William Ingram, 12th C.V.I., December 2, 1862


William Ingram, 12th C.V.I., December 2, 1862


United States--History--Civil War, 1861-1865
United States. Army. Connecticut Infantry Regiment, 12th (1861-1865)
United States. Army--Pay, allowances, etc.


William Ingram writes to his wife that he is sending home money, which she should save. He writes of the spending habits of his fellow soldiers and comments on the price of goods in New Orleans.




Camp Stephens L.A.
Dec. 2. 1862
My Dear Wife I thought
that I would write you a few
lines to let you know that I
am well hoping those few
lines will find you and the
children the same we ar en
campt near a small viledge
called thibadoux we air encampt
55 miles from new orleans
we have been paid sum munne
to day and I will send you
45 dollars and I want you
should take good car of it I
want you should use what
you need I wish you would
put what you don't use with
the rest of that in the bank
I shold like to have you
save as much as you can so

[Page 2]
if I should ever liv to guit
home again that we can by
us a little home and if I dont
live to cum home you will
neat it I don't want you
to pay eny my old dets they
cant curlect them of you I save
every cent that I can their is
hundreds that spend every cent
of their wages and guit in det
in the bargin I don't think
that henry will send home
much munney this pay day
for I think if he pays up
all his dets he wont have eny
left he don't deny himself of eny thing
that he can guit let it cost
whit it will evry thing is very
high hear cheas 40 cts a pound buter
80 cts a pound soda crackers 25 cts a pound
eggs 5 cts a peace aples 5 cts a peace evry
thing else in perpotion I direct
this muney thit I send you

[Page 3]
Just as I did that I sent you
before in car of Samuell S Lamb
you can look oute for it aboute
the tine you guit this I send you
and the children sum rings
that I made oute of ox horn
those ring is with the munney
I want you to give aunt sarah
one to remember me by I havent
enny thing els to send you now
it is most drill time now so
I must bid you goo by now
from your afectionate husband
Wm. Ingram
Pleas direct your leters
To New Orleans Just as you
Have before




“William Ingram, 12th C.V.I., December 2, 1862,” Linda Lear Center Digital Collections and Exhibitions, accessed January 30, 2025, https://omeka.conncoll.edu/items/show/20.