William Ingram, 12th C.V.I., November 5, 1862


William Ingram, 12th C.V.I., November 5, 1862


United States--History--Civil War, 1861-1865
United States. Army. Connecticut Infantry Regiment, 12th (1861-1865)
Georgia Landing, Battle of (Louisiana : 1862)


William Ingram writes to his wife about his participation in the Battle of Georgia Landing, a Union victory in Lafourche Parish, October 27, 1862.




L.A. Nov 5 1862
My Dear Wife I
Receivd your leters
Last night and was
very glad to hear
From you and the
Children I am well as comon
Hoping those few lines will find
you and the children the same we
Air now on a march we started
From our camp Oct 25 and went
up the river aboute ninty miles
From new orleans and then we
Have ben marchen kinderly on a
Sirkle we are now aboute 52 miles
From new orleans we have bn
On our march 13 days we have
Had one fight at Gorgey landens
Oct 28 the 8 new hampshire 13 ct
And our regment was in the fight
Our rigment was in the front of

[Page 2]
The batel the inermy was posted
In the road running from east to
West on the left of the line
They had 16 peaces of cannon the
Infuntry had a deep ditch that
They squt in and a high bord
Fence in front of them whch
They could hide behinde and we
Couldent se them we had a plain
Feald to cross aboute a hundred
Rods long and they commenst firen
As quick as we hove in sight we
Marcht streight forward and loaded
And fiered as fast as we could
And by the time we had got half
Way crost the lot the begun to
Run for a swamp which was just
Acrost the road and haulted and
Half of our company was ordered
In to the swamp and I was among
The rest we marcht in the water and
Mud was half lage deep we tuck 23

[Page 3]
Prisners and brought oute of
The swamp was strued with guns
Blankets hats haversacks kanteens
And a greate menney other things
We foloward them up so sharp
Tht we got 2 hundred of them
Priseners and aboute 2 hundred
And 50 stans of arms and one
Cannon our side had 11 kiled
And 18 wounded the rebels had `5
Kiled and 1 genral 34 wounded
And 1 genra wounded and tuck
Prisner our company had 1 kiled
1 Wounded this fight tuck place
On the west side of a small river
Which cums oute th missipy river
And emps into the gulf of mexico
Part of our brigaid was on the east
Sid of the river when the fite was
The rebels put oute and I hav
Not sea them sens they burnt
A bridge at thibodaux and a
Rialroad bridge about 2 miles
Below this road runs into new orleans

[Page 4] We have stopt hear to rest for
A fue days and repare the bridge
We have got the road clear from
New Orleans to this bridge our
Leters cum to us this way the
Box that you sent me I have not
Got yet and it will bea douteful
Whither I gut it or not if it was
Directed new orleans a box will
Go as furas it is directed and
No further leters will follow the
Regment whare ever it goes so you
Must direct yours the same as
you hav before I got 3 leters last nite
1 From emily 2 from you and was
very glad to hear from you and
All the rest and to hear that
you had got what I sent you
I had to write this in such a
Hurrey I don't know as you can
Read it so I must bid you good by
from your afectionate husband
Wm. Ingram
The picture you sent me
I wouldent take 100 dolars for it




“William Ingram, 12th C.V.I., November 5, 1862,” Linda Lear Center Digital Collections and Exhibitions, accessed January 30, 2025, https://omeka.conncoll.edu/items/show/19.