Charles McCracken, 12th C.V.I., March 25, 1865
Charles McCracken, 12th C.V.I., March 25, 1865
United States--History--Civil War, 1861-1865
United States. Army. Connecticut Infantry Regiment, 12th (1861-1865)
Copperhead movement
Charles McCracken writes to his brother James about his health, the safety of his camp, his anger at the Copperheads, and the imminent end of the war.
Camp at Blockhouse ^Virginia near
Summit Point, March 25th, 1865
Dear Brother,
I'm here a few moments
to write you + trust you will excuse all neglect
on my part for not writing before this time
for it is not because I had forgoten you. No,
I shall always remember you + feel a lively
interest in your welfare since I left home
I have had much trial + hardship+ quite a
Sick Spell, but am now much better
+ have been improving for Sometime.
So that now my health is tolerable good
+ am about as I was when at home. I Shall
never forget the very pleasant visit we had
together when I was at home last fall + you
must give my love + respect to your faithfull
companion, + my good wishes to all our
friends. We are now Quartered at the Block
house which we built the past winter which
affords protection for 52 men with muskets.
it is about 50 ft square + built very Strong
+ Solid, + is calculated to resist even the fire
[page 2]
of artillery, it is Surrounded with a Deep
ditch which has a 4 rods distance a high work
very thick So that nothing Can get through.
I expect that we Shall remain here for Some
time, + perhaps all Summer. I hope we Shall
remain here for the rest of the time the
war may last, there is some prospect now
of its coming to a close before long the
enemy Seeing it has arrived into the
last ditch + I think are about ready to
Succumb. The idea of a Southern Confederacy
has vanished + there is nothing left
but the gaudy bubble which is ready to burst.
What will the Copperheads do now for
material for ^their cause? + how will they receive
the chastisement over the back of Southern
Chivalry When Old Abr Shall have brought
the proud Southrens to their bended knees
pleading to remain in his bosom + when
he Shall have pacified the [unclear] anew
over the whole of the United States + when
in short have brought every rebel to kiss the sod
I think they have Sufficient cause to hide
their heads with Shame when they see that
government they have so proudly set at
defiance rising higher + thus higher among
the family of nations, for me I am proud of
[page 4]
the part I have taken + that I can Say that I
never have done one act of disloyalty to the
best government the world ever Saw, but what
little I have done is what little influence I have
had, has been thrown in the Scale for the Country
+ our government + I can return with the proud
satisfaction of knowing that I have contributed
toward putting down the greatest Rebellion
the World ever Saw + I humbly trust I Shall be
remitted to returned [unclear] all again + See
a united Country once more. Though it may
be tattered + torn by terrible War, oh, may our
prayers for war to cease be answered + peace
once more return. God bless our land.
But my Dear Brother I must close + I hope
+ pray these lines will find you all Well
+ in the Enjoyment of health + happiness, + I
trust you will write me in answer Soon, +
direct to Co B 12th CV Battalion 2d Brigade+ 1st Div
19th AC. Washington DC . There is nothing
now here, we are on the lookout for guerillas
but they do not trouble us, + seem to be waiting
to keep at a Safe distance. I trust you will give
me the news + keep me posted as I voted
the other Day for our worthy governor Bucking
ham. look out for my vote on the desk at Election
I remain Your Affectionate Brother
C.T. McCracken
Summit Point, March 25th, 1865
Dear Brother,
I'm here a few moments
to write you + trust you will excuse all neglect
on my part for not writing before this time
for it is not because I had forgoten you. No,
I shall always remember you + feel a lively
interest in your welfare since I left home
I have had much trial + hardship+ quite a
Sick Spell, but am now much better
+ have been improving for Sometime.
So that now my health is tolerable good
+ am about as I was when at home. I Shall
never forget the very pleasant visit we had
together when I was at home last fall + you
must give my love + respect to your faithfull
companion, + my good wishes to all our
friends. We are now Quartered at the Block
house which we built the past winter which
affords protection for 52 men with muskets.
it is about 50 ft square + built very Strong
+ Solid, + is calculated to resist even the fire
[page 2]
of artillery, it is Surrounded with a Deep
ditch which has a 4 rods distance a high work
very thick So that nothing Can get through.
I expect that we Shall remain here for Some
time, + perhaps all Summer. I hope we Shall
remain here for the rest of the time the
war may last, there is some prospect now
of its coming to a close before long the
enemy Seeing it has arrived into the
last ditch + I think are about ready to
Succumb. The idea of a Southern Confederacy
has vanished + there is nothing left
but the gaudy bubble which is ready to burst.
What will the Copperheads do now for
material for ^their cause? + how will they receive
the chastisement over the back of Southern
Chivalry When Old Abr Shall have brought
the proud Southrens to their bended knees
pleading to remain in his bosom + when
he Shall have pacified the [unclear] anew
over the whole of the United States + when
in short have brought every rebel to kiss the sod
I think they have Sufficient cause to hide
their heads with Shame when they see that
government they have so proudly set at
defiance rising higher + thus higher among
the family of nations, for me I am proud of
[page 4]
the part I have taken + that I can Say that I
never have done one act of disloyalty to the
best government the world ever Saw, but what
little I have done is what little influence I have
had, has been thrown in the Scale for the Country
+ our government + I can return with the proud
satisfaction of knowing that I have contributed
toward putting down the greatest Rebellion
the World ever Saw + I humbly trust I Shall be
remitted to returned [unclear] all again + See
a united Country once more. Though it may
be tattered + torn by terrible War, oh, may our
prayers for war to cease be answered + peace
once more return. God bless our land.
But my Dear Brother I must close + I hope
+ pray these lines will find you all Well
+ in the Enjoyment of health + happiness, + I
trust you will write me in answer Soon, +
direct to Co B 12th CV Battalion 2d Brigade+ 1st Div
19th AC. Washington DC . There is nothing
now here, we are on the lookout for guerillas
but they do not trouble us, + seem to be waiting
to keep at a Safe distance. I trust you will give
me the news + keep me posted as I voted
the other Day for our worthy governor Bucking
ham. look out for my vote on the desk at Election
I remain Your Affectionate Brother
C.T. McCracken
Original Format
“Charles McCracken, 12th C.V.I., March 25, 1865,” Linda Lear Center Digital Collections and Exhibitions, accessed January 30, 2025,