Lucy Curtiss, Warren, Conn., October 12, 1862


Lucy Curtiss, Warren, Conn., October 12, 1862


United States--History--Civil War, 1861-1865--Sources
Slaves -- Emancipation -- United States
Emancipation Proclamation (United States. President (1861-1865 : Lincoln))


Lucy Curtiss writes to her brother Homer of life at home, the lack of reliable news about the war, and her happiness at hearing of the Emancipation Proclamation.




Sunday P.M. October 12th ‘62
Dear Sir—
Having just completed
the task of refreshing my mortal
stomach and having been liberally
fed with spiritual meat prepared
And presented by Priest Vail I feel
that I ought to be capable of accom-
plishing almost anything I choose
to undertake, so I write to you-
Dea. Swift inquired after your welfare
today says he has not received that
letter from you yet. Do write to
him I really feel sorry for him
every Sunday he seemed so lonesome
I believe his class in Sabbath school
is entirely broken up but am not
sure- he took Aunt Phebe’s class
once when she was gone-
Closson Stone is getting quite

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waked up about the affairs of the
nation - and is planning to be
very patriotic in his way - Of
course it will not be necessary
for me to explain further - as
every body knows Closson has but
one way of doing good that is by
having a concert - this time the
proceeds are to be used for the
benefit of the soldiers who are in
want of “the comforts and blessings
which we enjoy” - the first preparatory
meeting or singing school is to be
held this evening - I have a pressing
invitation to attend - but have not
decided whether to go or not to go yet.
You asked how war matters looked
now to us who have nothing to
do about it except to look on -
prophesy and find fault - but
you inquired at the wrong place
if you wished to get any news -
we do not take the Daily war

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so I hardly keep posted except
in the great events - which
every one hears of - but I had
arrived at nearly the same conclusion
as your self - I have since the
President’s great Proclamation -
had no doubt but that we should
finally triumph because I do not
see why we have not at last got
on to the right track and though
I don’t know but I feel as much
interest in the details as ever
yet however discouraging they may
appear they have no longer any
influence upon my mind
except that circumstances may
put farther off “the good time
coming” - The “Great Question” with
me now is the same which once
agitated the mind of the late
Stephen A. Douglas when he said
“Old Abe” - How long etc?
Do you get the Litchfield paper

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or the reading of it? because
if you do not - you have lost
one very good thing which is now
in general use in our family
some friends of the author of
Hohenlinden being on a visit to
that gentleman and one of them
having the misfortune to fall
down a very long flight of stairs
then past - stepped to the door and
inquired what was the cause of
such a noise - a voice replied far down the stairs
“‘Tis I sir - rolling rapidly”
If you have seen the story do
tell me so that I can go home
and kill myself - as Miss Mowsher
would say - Dear! dear!!
Mother is bringing in wood and
I must run and put a stop to
such proceedings - and now
it is too dark to write - we got a
letter from Cy las week he is still at
Jacksonville at Camp Duncan - he
writes an almost entirely new hand but
composes much as of old - Lucy

Original Format





“Lucy Curtiss, Warren, Conn., October 12, 1862,” Linda Lear Center Digital Collections and Exhibitions, accessed January 30, 2025,